In this “What’s in it for me?” world, we are all somehow looking after our own personal benefits thinking “if only I can improve MY life I will be happy”. We tend to feed our selfish desires, hoping to find “THE” path along the way maybe find proverbial happiness. The rampant condition called “ME FACTOR” is taking over our society. We are overindulging the idea of “if I don’t look out for myself no one will”. I get it, I want to look after my interst as well, but I am not talking about improving one’s livelihood by advancing our careers and such. I am talking about when life is all about “ME” and nothing else. I am talking about when compassion towards others is missing, neglecting to extend charity, and sharing our blessings. We have become a society that wants to continue to receive and not give back.
I think we have become a society of emotional hoarders; we take in but do not give out. We find we have so much yet still not satisfied, why? Could this have roots in our background were some might have been raised emotionally deprived? Could we as a society be finally paying for adapting the progressive family structure missing the historic “once upon a time” family values and tradition? Could we be finally facing the circumstances of our “independence” and the “free fall” attitude. In fact the more we concentrate on taking in the more we move away from gratification. With the infinite amount of information that is available we seem to be more confused and more lost than the previous generation. Why? With every new generation, higher education is gained, wisdom and common sense is lost, logic seems to be missing. We are passionate about many issues yet stand for nothing. Make noise with the crowd, yet primarily quiet on substance. I ask again, why? I think because it’s primarily a “ME’ generation with a “feel good” policy. The principles that move “ME’ is how I feel about things. How I feel will be the deciding factor of my ultimate decision. If it feels good to “ME”, do it, if it doesn’t, scrap it!
Greed – Personality & Spirituality
Greed is the tendency to selfish craving, grasping and hoarding. It is defined as: … Another common factor in the formation of greed is the availability of substitutes . Imagine, for … My well-being depends on me getting all that I desire. I cannot …
There is no value or tradition about it. We have been instilled with the idea of “Time is of the essence” Time must benefit “ME” factor otherwise it is a missed opportunity to advance myself. Never mind doing what “feels good” might not be the right formula for lasting happiness. Never mind time donated might benefit someone else’s misfortune even to the point of saving a life.
Even when involved with a charitable worthy cause, I have noticed how some want to shine above the cause just to appear doing a good deed. Even when part of a charitable mission, it becomes all about “ME”. I know there are celebrities that generously and genuinely give of their time and money, but there are those that will “show and tell” for the sake of exposure. Even when there is an opportunity to work together as a team to save a multitude, we want to make sure we are seen just to say “I DID THIS”. We lose the chance to become a modest part of a greater undertaking by choosing to remain imprisoned within our own desires to fulfill the need to shine above the cause. The lesson of “it’s not just about me but about the greater cause” escapes us. We forget that we are a family within a society that must think of one another. “I AM my brother’s keeper” has been lost in the hustle and bustle of the “survival of the fittest”.
We are members of one society that must pick each other up. I am not preaching just speaking on how we are all connected as a community. What affects one community today will in fact move to other communities as well. Nothing stays still; we are a society linked by the influence of social media that influences worldwide. What is trending in Europe will soon be in the U.S and vice versa. This is why when we choose to feed our selfish desires; we choose to remain in solitary darkness. The light is only seen when we look beyond the horizon and beyond ourselves. We must remember not only to satisfy our physical bodies but also remember we have a spirit. Our spirit that is imprisoned within, waits for the inconsiderate body to recognize and show mercy outside of the self. Just as the body loves the human interaction, so does the invisible spirit. When we deny our body selfishness, choosing to instead feed our spirit with selflessness, only then is the spirit strong enough to be free to roam and connect. When only one side benefits from an act of kindness, the harvest we reap is limited, but when multiple sides benefit we share in the joy and the greater harvest of plenty. Reciprocity is the cure for selfishness. If we could only grasp the understanding when we give of ourselves for the benefit of others, the “ME” benefits too. It’s a WIN/WIN situation. Self gratification goes only so far, but gratification as a result of giving is beyond measure. There would be no unmet need if we would all be looking to fulfill another’s need. However, reciprocity works best when voluntary. Cheerfully giving by planting the seed of joy which will reverberate, grow and feed. But when forced, the seed will still multiply but the effects will be harmful. So I say, give selflessly and it will come back around to feed you when you most need it. Plant a seed of joy today and watch it grow.
Happiness is not only contagious it is a human emotion that can be shared and enjoyed. Happiness is self created and thus it goes a long way in elevating the self and that in others. The more mean and selfish you are the less happy you will be – ever. It