The oppressed come storming in
No strategy results in tragedy
When we don’t address conflict while it’s “OVER THERE”, it will eventually arrive at our doorstep demanding our attention and holding us accountable. Why is the world in such a shock with the European migrant refugee situation? This was bound to happen! The Internal Displaced People (IDP’S) have been shouting on the top of their lungs for the international community to get involved and offer these vulnerable people a path of survival while still in their homeland to prevent this massive exodus. This is nothing more than being “Reactive rather than pro-active” This oblivious world afflicted with the”elephant in the room syndrome”, continues to ignore this grave issue rather than find a international resolution to help protect them. Well, we are finally witnessing the inevitable consequence of the world’s selective paralysis emerge through this out of control migration crisis created by those who can no longer sit back and wait for help to come to them. Instead, they are storming the Western borders that ” shoulda woulda coulda” helped but never did”. They are coming with a vengeance through any means possible escaping one of the most horrific persecutions in the history of crimes against humanity.
Die at the hands of ISIS or die trying to escape. The avalanche of migrants fleeing however possible risking it all to escape are no longer able to endure the ongoing oppression. The choice they make to risk it all to get away should have been expected. It’s very simple, when people are being threatened, chased, beaten, or killed they either fight or run. Since they are not armed they are doing what anyone of us would do, run for their lives, . While waiting for help that never came they have decided to come to a town near you. They have risked it all to escape the horrific conditions of life in the Middle East and now the world is forced to deal with them. This is why little Aylan Kurdi and his family while making a similar desperate attempt to escape by embarking on a dangerous journey heading for a better life perished. Boarding a boat filled with Syrian refugees being smuggled out, it capsized and all on boar perished. This is when the world witnessed the high price these refugees are willing to pay to escape a hostile life. The lifeless body of Aylan Kurdi seen face down, washed offshore on the beach in Turkey finally struck a sensitive chord with the world which seemed to suddenly see for themselves the extend of the persecution these helpless people have lived through. Little Aylan and his family taught the world a lesson it will not soon forget. As we witnessed the most recent tragic incident of the Seven Assyrian Refugees drown while crossing the Aegean Sea to Greece all members of one family: Silvana Sami Marogeh (wife), Angie Marogeh (Daughter) Samah Sami Marogeh (Silvana’s sister) Haneen Salem Saman Shasha (Samah’s daughter) Marvin Shasha (Samah’s son)
For far too long the world stood by dispassionately watching people fight for their lives without anyone coming to their rescue. The world community closed their eyes against the obvious violence choosing to ignore the urgent cries of the abused and abandoned population in the Middle East. Now the world community is forced to open their eyes and look at injustice in the face. Injustice that washed off the seaside in the form of a little innocent body of a boy named Aylan and the seven members of one family. Their life was cut short to set a new precedent for the words “never again”. If the world needed a wake-up call, the heartbreaking death of these IDP’S should suffice. The wounded and the afflicted have made their way to our shores dead or alive, demanding our attention.
The Christians and other minorities in the Middle East are being slaughtered, men beheaded, children enslaved, women gang raped later sold into slavery for a price of a pack of cigarettes while America the greatest super power of the world watches along with the rest of the international community doing nothing.
This population that now come crashing down our borders, have been deserted by the international community, left to die at the hands of the oppressor named ISIS. The enemy that could have been very easily destroyed and defeated if the global military force so desired. But of course what will the world gain from saving these innocent folks who have no international influence or political power to offer? What gain would the world have from saving lives with no strings attached just for the sake of compassion or goodwill towards men? The simple reason why their lives have not been worth saving is because there is no military, financial or political gain to anyone. This is how this”What’s in it for me” world community can sit back watching this defenseless population stripped of every dignity in life, victimized, killed and decimated and offer no rescue plan. We didn’t go to them, they are now coming to us.
“The idols of the nations are silver and gold, made by human hands.They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes,but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them” (Psalm 135 15-18)
The day of reckoning is coming! The blood of the martyrs who died while we watched cry out for justice. May God help us all.